Building Threads for a web product similar to twitter with the power of react and firebase

August 07, 2022

<aside> 🚀 Curiosity meets innovation, and bytes bring ideas to life


Introduction & What’s on the plate ?

In this article, I'll Elaborate that How I build Linked Discussions or Threads just like in Twitter or Insta threads using Firebase and React. The Structure of the blog is as follows :

  1. What: Demo of my version of linked Discussions
  2. Brainstorm: How I approach and plan to architect the system?
  3. Implementations: Code work
  4. Conclusion

Disclaimer : We call this thread feature as linked discussion, I guess you got it right and this is my first Tech blog so bare with me you gonna enjoy !!

What: Demo of my version of linked Discussions

Basic comments



Here’s the primary example of just putting essential comments on my web app, if you observe then the embedded videos are a cherry on top and adding images is also an option. In this Demo, all the comments have a parent a which is a post, but in nested comments, the comment parent can itself be a comment.

Linked Discussions

Screen Recording 2023-08-07 at 2.37.34 AM(1).mov

Here in the demo, you can see that after clicking on the chat symbol or reply icon you can deep dive to linked discussions and further reply to a comment and continue the discussion.